Build a Plan. Build a Business.
RetireMax was built by advisors for advisors to take the challenges surrounding a wide range of planning decisions and make them simple, mobile and fun. In addition, RetireMax helps an advisor build a business while they build their client base one prospect at a time.
Make it Mobile
Mahogany desks and waiting areas are over. Engage prospects & clients while on the go from anywhere in the world.
Make it Fun
Give people something to look forward to. Planning out their future should be the most enjoyable thing they do today.
Followup with Customers
Great customer service leads to great referrals. Built-in annual reviews, followups & birthday reminders confirm you’re the superstar you are!
Stay Organized
Built in document storage, whiteboard, and graphs make understanding the numbers and where the come from easy.
Collaborate with your Team

What’s harder than managing people? Nothing! With the speed of work increasing, retention challenges galore, increased interdependency and productivity pressures ever present its “lonely at the top”. That’s why we created the RetireMax Franchise and Enterprise solutions.

Both platforms allow for organizational oversight, case design management, client acquisition data, and sales tracking. Accelerate your training process, help your sales reps set and reach goals and then track new business so you know who’s active and who’s not. All from a simple dashboard.

And oh, by the way, when an advisor leaves to go to greener pastures, everything is still there so you can keep your promises and service the firm's clients!

RetireMax Features
RetireMax software is made up of several modules to help you complete specific work quickly. These modules build upon each other to create amazing output for your clients in an engaging way.
Configure your advisor profile and enter personal information, disclosures, and branding—only once—so that it's available on all of your client deliverables.
Document Storage
Managing client documents is simple with a built in scanner and storage system. Everything is conveniently at your finger tips.
Capture Important Client Data
Great data leads to great clients. The data input tab makes it easy to kick start your plans with essential client and spouse data. Access client scenarios and contact info at anytime through multiple devices.
National Pension Library
As Yogi Berra once said, “We made too many wrong mistakes”. Well when it come to state pension planning, you can’t afford to make a mistake. The Pension Library tab has over 300 state and local pension plans and their various iterations housed all in one place. No more combing through member handbooks trying to determine what factor to use or when a hire date changed the benefit. RetireMax has done it for you.
Social Security
The Social Security Administration tells us that if you have average earnings, you benefit will replace only about 40% of your pre-retirement income. And why do 1 out of 5 married couples and 2 out of 5 single individuals live entirely off social security in retirement? Probably because nobody took the time to show them the net effect. At RetireMax, we want to change those statistics through education. And by harnessing technology, give you the ability to quickly illustrate and educate a prospect on how social security is calculated and what it will and won’t provide in retirement.
Retirement Blueprint
Statistics show people who write down their goals have over an 80% higher success rate of achieving them! At RetireMax we want both our advisors and their clients to be successful. The Retirement Blueprint tab does just that. And it does it accurately in as little as 4 entries and 15 seconds. And most importantly, it illustrates how much money an individual needs to save per month to reach a certain income goal at retirement. If you don’t have a number, then you really don’t have a plan.
Tax Analysis
At RetireMax, we want the planning process to be fast, fun and mobile. But also 100% accurate. The Tax Analysis Tab is a simplified 1040 tax breakdown designed to enlighten your clients on how the tax system really works – in an easy to understand format.
My Paycheck
Research shows that there are two main ways to boost plan participation and savings rates. One, show them a picture of what they will look like when they’re old. Or two, show them how their monthly income will change if they start saving today. Unless you’re an accomplished sketch artist, I’d recommend using the “My Paycheck Tab” inside RetireMax.
Have you ever heard the phrase “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer, “One bite at a time.” We at RetireMax understand that saving a million dollars is hard. But it’s doable. How? One year at a time. Why don’t people try? Because they don’t think it’s possible. The Increase Tab is a one of kind tool that illustrates increasing the retirement account by a specific monthly amount each year with the projected values over time.
Before and After
If you haven’t noticed, setting up your W4 correctly is super difficult. The Before & After tab illustrates the long-term effect of these changes at tax time. With annual tax table updates this tab projects those changes for each year so your clients don’t get caught by surprise.
Asset Repositioning
If you like to capture new assets, then the Asset Repositioning tab may be your new best friend! This tab is designed to compare current returns and fees against your proposed plan. The inputs are quick and the side-by-side comparison is very easy to understand.
Debt Analysis
Quick question… What’s something that most everybody has, but nobody wants? Debt. Debt elimination is also always at the top of a prospects list of financial goals. Instead of ignoring it, the RetireMax Debt Analysis tab helps a client understand the financial impact that it is having and motivate them to eliminate it as quickly as possible. The Debt Analysis tab is used to illustrate how long it’s going to take to pay off certain debts, what the total cost of the debt is, and the hidden tax impact.
Social Security Crossover
If you had a dollar for every time someone asked you when to take social security…you’d have a lot of dollars. The Social Security Crossover tab compares taking social security income at different ages and showing the breakeven point. Now you’ll be able to clearly illustrate the effects of when to take social security and, of course, position yourself to manage a lot of their other dollars in the process!
Guaranteed Income
Guaranteed income is a major piece of many retirees futures. Gone are the days of pensions and corporate safety nets. This tab is designed to illustrate a guaranteed income rider for a client before you break out a 25 page illustration. It also allows you to compare and contrast different annuity offerings. It’s important to input correctly whether the interest is simple or compounding.
Income Duration
The RetireMax income duration tab is simple but important. This tab is designed to illustrate specifically how much a client can withdraw monthly until their funds are depleted. Use this tab to protect clients from themselves.
Income Max
The IncomeMax tab is a deeper dive into Income Duration. It is designed to help eliminate the biggest worry most retirees have…will I run out of money? This tab is used to illustrate how long income will last in retirement based on projected accumulated savings and investments and detailed anticipated expenses. It’s a comprehensive tab so you’ll want to run a few practice scenarios before wowing your clients!
After Max
The AfterMax tab is designed to help you do something that is sometimes very hard to do…convince a client they are going to die. And they are underinsured. Think about this, when asked, over 80% of Americans agree that people need life insurance. However, 40% of Americans carry zero, nada, zilcho life insurance. And of those that do, nearly a third only have an employer group policy. This is an issue – and RetireMax can help. This tab helps illustrate the amount of life insurance needed to protect the ones you love.
Document and capture client notes for compliance and sketch out quick concepts with the built-in whiteboard. Everything is saved to your documents and storage in the cloud. Leave the dry erase markers and yellow-pad at home.
Notes & Reminders
Great customer service leads to great referrals. Great referrals come from great notes! Document client meetings as you go, either for compliance, or just the things you need to remember at the next review. The built in calendar keeps on you schedule with automated annual review reminders, followups, and birthday wishes. Confirm you’re the superstar you are!
Message Center
Message center makes it easy to contact your clients—one at a time, or an entire group—using your CRM data. Built-in filters make it easy to identify prospects or clients so you can tailor your message accordingly. Emails come directly from you—no middle-man. No double or triple entering data required!
RetireMax PDF Report
Your clients need an actionable plan. The RetireMax PDF report is delivered directly to their inbox in two clicks. Each report is customizable and includes all the critical data you modeled for them so the client gets exactly what they need. No canned responses.
Drive more business and wow clients by answering questions quickly and efficiently. Whether they’re considering a rollover, contemplating how much to save per month, wondering about when to take social security, or wanting to reduce their tax rate, RetireMax can help. Signup today and get started with a FREE TRIAL.

Copyright RetireMax, LLC 2024. All Rights Reserved.